Unlock the fulfilling
career of your dreams
you KNOW is right for you

Rethinking careers and helping you live your dream


My mission is to help you find the fulfilling career of your dreams that you KNOW is right for you.  Surveys indicate that two-thirds of American workers don’t like their jobs, while some studies say that up to 45% of American employees hate their jobs so much that they wouldn’t wish them on their worst enemies.  Most of us will end up spending 80,000-125,000 hours of our lives working.  About half of our waking hours are spent working during most of our lives.  Wouldn’t it make sense to have a career that brings you joy, fulfillment, and excitement?  Wouldn’t it make sense to have a career where you look forward to Monday mornings instead of dreading Sunday nights?  I work with people who are unhappy, miserable, and unfulfilled in their current jobs and are looking to change careers or otherwise find a new job.  If you or someone you know are considering finding a new job or changing careers, then you can schedule a free coaching call with me below or by going to https://adamcamac.com/chat/.  I look forward to meeting you soon and helping you find fulfillment and happiness in your career!



Don’t Care About What Others Think

For so many people, external expectations, rather than internal desires and interests, play a pivotal role in determining their career path.  Parental influence, cultural expectations, social pressures, and perceived practicality

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Insanity in Your Job Search

It is often said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.  Unfortunately, for many people, their job search meets

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Who AM I?

I am a coach who provides premium programs to help adults change careers and find new jobs.  I help adults unlock their dream careers and land jobs and careers that make more sense for them and allow them to live the life they desire.  I want to help as many people as possible find the fulfilling careers of their dreams.  Work occupies a large portion of our lives and a lot of our time.  I want to help as many people as possible find careers that bring them joy, fulfillment, and excitement.  I also host a history podcast called the Places and Profiles Podcast, and I am the founder and director of Texas Challengers Quiz Tournaments (TCQT), which is an organization that provides fun and affordable opportunities for middle school and high school students to compete in Quiz Bowl tournaments in the Houston area and across the state of Texas.  I am a world traveler, unconventional thinker, mentor, and entrepreneur.  I was previously a high school history and geography teacher.  I am excited to meet you and to help you or someone you know launch your dream career.  Schedule a free coaching call with me above or by going to https://adamcamac.com/chat/.  Read more about who I am here.  I look forward to meeting you and helping you soon!

Contact Me

If you or someone you know would like to schedule a call to chat about a potential career change, then please contact me.

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