Unlock the fulfilling
career of your dreams
you KNOW is right for you
Rethinking careers and helping you live your dream
My mission is to help you find the fulfilling career of your dreams that you KNOW is right for you. Surveys indicate that two-thirds of American workers don’t like their jobs, while some studies say that up to 45% of American employees hate their jobs so much that they wouldn’t wish them on their worst enemies. Most of us will end up spending 80,000-125,000 hours of our lives working. About half of our waking hours are spent working during most of our lives. Wouldn’t it make sense to have a career that brings you joy, fulfillment, and excitement? Wouldn’t it make sense to have a career where you look forward to Monday mornings instead of dreading Sunday nights? I work with people who are unhappy, miserable, and unfulfilled in their current jobs and are looking to change careers or otherwise find a new job. If you or someone you know are considering finding a new job or changing careers, then you can schedule a free coaching call with me below or by going to https://adamcamac.com/chat/. I look forward to meeting you soon and helping you find fulfillment and happiness in your career!

This is the podcast that uses storytelling, history, and current events to explore the issues, stories, and people that have shaped different places into what they are today. The Places and Profiles Podcast is hosted by Adam Camac with new episodes published every Thursday.
Matt Briney, Chief Communications Officer at the Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library, joins host Adam Camac to discuss the life and legacy of President Theodore Roosevelt. The show notes page for this episode can be found at placesandprofiles.com/27.
1:28 – The guest’s interest in Theodore Roosevelt and why Theodore Roosevelt is one of the guest’s favorite presidents
2:27 – Theodore Roosevelt’s early life, family background, and early political career
4:23 – How Theodore Roosevelt was different from most of the other people in New York politics and how having a different outlook and persona helped him rise up the ranks of New York politics
6:42 – Class expectations and distinctions of the era, how Theodore Roosevelt bucked the trend and behaved in unexpected ways for someone of his background and class
8:54 – How Theodore Roosevelt ends up becoming Assistant Secretary of the Navy under President William McKinley and how the short time during which he held that role was significant in his ultimate rise to becoming president
11:02 – Leading the Rough Riders in Cuba during the Spanish-American War
15:49 – How leading the Rough Riders helped Theodore Roosevelt continue to rise up the political ranks and helped him become Governor of New York pretty quickly afterwards
17:43 – Theodore Roosevelt’s brief tenure as Governor of New York, how he ended up being William McKinley’s vice presidential running mate during McKinley’s successful reelection campaign for president in 1900
20:59 – Theodore Roosevelt’s six months as vice president until he became president following William McKinley being assassinated in September of 1901
22:45 – How the country reacted to the assassination of William McKinley
25:02 – An overview of Theodore Roosevelt’s time as president, key policies, how he was the first modern president in a lot of ways
30:13 – Theodore Roosevelt as a trust buster, how his policies differed from his predecessors in this area
32:54 – The regulation of railroads and the Pure Food and Drug Act and the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during Roosevelt’s time as president
35:27 – The construction of the Panama Canal, winning a Nobel Peace Prize for brokering the end of the Russo-Japanese War, the Great White Fleet, and other key events and aspects of Theodore Roosevelt’s foreign policy
39:10 – The Roosevelt Corollary
40:47 – Theodore Roosevelt’s involvement with rule changes and safety concerns in college football
43:20 – Theodore Roosevelt’s relationship with his successor as president and former protege, William Howard Taft
45:58 – The assassination attempt against Theodore Roosevelt during his 1912 campaign for president as the Bull Moose (Progressive) Party candidate, how the assassination attempt affected him
47:58 – Theodore Roosevelt’s “Man in the Arena” speech
51:30 – Theodore Roosevelt’s spouses and children, his time living in North Dakota and how that shaped who he became
54:57 – The seven years of Theodore Roosevelt’s life between his unsuccessful run for president in 1912 and his untimely passing in 1919
57:09 – Important things to understand about Theodore Roosevelt’s legacy
59:33 – Other notable Theodore Roosevelt stories
1:01:04 – Resources for learning about Theodore Roosevelt and the Theodore Roosevelt Presidential Library

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Who AM I?
I am a coach who provides premium programs to help adults change careers and find new jobs. I help adults unlock their dream careers and land jobs and careers that make more sense for them and allow them to live the life they desire. I want to help as many people as possible find the fulfilling careers of their dreams. Work occupies a large portion of our lives and a lot of our time. I want to help as many people as possible find careers that bring them joy, fulfillment, and excitement. I also host a history podcast called the Places and Profiles Podcast, and I am the founder and director of Texas Challengers Quiz Tournaments (TCQT), which is an organization that provides fun and affordable opportunities for middle school and high school students to compete in Quiz Bowl tournaments in the Houston area and across the state of Texas. I am a world traveler, unconventional thinker, mentor, and entrepreneur. I was previously a high school history and geography teacher. I am excited to meet you and to help you or someone you know launch your dream career. Schedule a free coaching call with me above or by going to https://adamcamac.com/chat/. Read more about who I am here. I look forward to meeting you and helping you soon!

Contact Me
If you or someone you know would like to schedule a call to chat about a potential career change, then please contact me.